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Inflatable bottles for Waternet

A sure way to send a message in a bottle.

summer 2017

The challenge

In the summer of 2017, Waternet launched the revised Vaarwater-App, something every boat owner should know. That's why communication agency Living the Brand asked for our assistance for a target group campaign. The goal? The get the revised App downloaded by as many people as possible.

Our solution and its execution

The target group of the Vaarwater-App can be found mainly, and not surprisingly, on the water. Together with Waternet we worked out a campaign: "awesome impact on the water". For this campaign we made twelve inflatable bottles, which could be placed on the water as if they were a message in a bottle. The design was developed in collaboration with Living the Brand.

To get the maximum reach for this campaign, we chose a guerrilla marketing technique. That's why we designed the inflatables in such a way that Waternet was able to place the bottles easily and quickly during their marketing actions. In addition to a few fixed locations, the bottles could also be seen floating around on temporary locations.

"Be well prepared when getting on board" was what the letter in the bottle said. The text was printed in bold letters and at both sides of the banner, so the skippers could read the message from the port side as well as from the starboard side. Ahoy!

Even more inspiration.

There's more in our Look Book.


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Publi air Created with Sketch. awesome impact for brands

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1362 AB Almere
The Netherlands
+31 88 0122 800


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